The Ocean Chemistry Activity Book
Researchers from Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) have created The Ocean Chemistry Activity Book aimed at helping elementary school and early middle school students, in particular 4th-6th graders, to familiarize themselves with the concept of ocean acidification, what causes it, how it occurs, how it affects marine organisms and ecosystems, and what we can do to help mitigate its impacts.
The PDF of this activity book, developed with the support of the National Science Foundation (grant #1416837), is available for free for teachers and students - please click on the "Registration" tab above to register and receive your free download (English and Spanish versions are available).
What is Ocean Acidification?
The ocean absorbs up to one third of the greenhouse emissions caused by fossil fuel combustion. While this slows down climate change, the introduction of massive amounts of carbon dioxide in the water is changing ocean chemistry and makes seawater more acidic – a process known as ocean acidification. Science has made huge leaps forward to understand how ocean acidification affects marine organisms, especially those that make shells and skeletons of calcium carbonate in coral reefs and in upwelling ecosystems.
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Food Web Sample Activity (click on the "Activity Books" tab above to see more pages):
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